Everything we do for QYSP comes from a desire to communicate the breadth of experience on offer. Incredible music across 16 venues from some of the UK’s best party crews – top food, drink and lots of fun – all set across one of London’s most exciting areas.

There’s no main stage and a whole host of areas to explore so video content is incredibly important to the campaign. Our team plan, capture & edit a host of engaging live, roundup and promo content each year.

Our website design & build was intended to create a hub for the event – communicating the key messaging, links and FAQs.

Paid social campaigns make sure we continue to build on the festival’s core audience each year – generating hype and pulling in new customers to consistently sell out the 5,000+ capacity. All for an event with no traditional headline acts.

Our on-site media team captures & edits video and photo content in order to give the Queen’s Yard socials the ammunition to really pop over the day and throughout the year – making sure anyone not there knows what they’re missing out on…
Check out highlights on: @queensyardsummerparty